Account Types - Questions and Answers
You may apply for the following types of account:
Q. What is an individual account?
Most applications are for 'individual' accounts. This means the account is for a single individual, much like a personal bank account. The account details you will receive are for you only and no one else may share your account details for trading.
Q. What is a shared account?
A 'shared' account is one shared by two or more people, much like a joint bank account. It is also called a 'family' account because all members of your family may use a single account number for trading. What constitutes a 'shared' account is not defined but the name provided on the application form will be held responsible and accountable for all trading with the account number.
Q. What is a company account?
A 'company' account is for companies. What actually constitutes a company is not defined but it includes normal registered companies and any other entity that operates like a commercial company. This could be an individual offering professional services but who wants to be recorded with the CES under a name other than that of an individual. The name displayed on the site will be the name of the company rather than that of the contact person of the company.
Q. What is an organisation account?
An 'organisation' account is for organisations. What actually constitutes an organisation is not defined but it includes normal registered organisations or any other entity that operates as an organisation. The name displayed on the site will be the name of the organisation rather than that of the contact person of the organisation.