New feature: Record your hours

A new feature has been added to the CES software that allows you to record the time you have provided to other users. To get to it, log into your account and click on the [Trading] button at top, and then select Record Hours from the drop-down menu. This new feature...

The Credit Commons

The CREDIT COMMONS is a proposed accounting system to allow users of any local currency to exchange with any other. It is an open protocol that builds on 100s of existing initiatives. It is based on sound monetary principles, uses decentralised credit and...

Motivations for New Currency Design

by Graham Barnes Originally from Feasta There appear to be four main ‘flavours’ of motivations driving new currency innovation: a) deprecatory: informed by a view that mainstream fiat money is toxic and a better form can be usefully invented b) economic: driven by the...

Welcome to Our New Home Page!

The CES website has needed a new home page and front end for a very long time. That old 1990s-style front end was the same one that had been in place from when CES started in 2003, although it did evolve over time. Most CES users used it solely as their login page and...

New CES Software in Creation

Community Exchange System (CES), a free software service that helps communities manage and exchange resources, is to be migrated to Drupal in 2016. The network currently consists of over 800 more or less active communities in 107 countries, and the software has so far...