Community Exchange News |
No.23, 3 August2005 |
Community Exchange News is the Newsletter of the Cape Town group of the SANE Community Exchange System |
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The Talent Exchange — where your wealth is your talent
1. Editorial: First Talent Exchange shop to open
Up to now the only ways to sell your goods in the Talent Exchange have been to advertise them on the site or sell them at a market. For many buyers this is inconvenient as they have to drive across town to get their goods, and at a time that is convenient for the seller. Markets often present the same problem: they are taking place at the other end of town or at an inconvenient time. This "inconvenience factor" has been one of the most serious factors retarding the growth of the Talent Exchange. You could be sitting with a huge credit balance but instead of driving all over town to get what you need it is much easier to pop into the supermarket across the road and pay with Rands.
For these reasons we have long recognised the need for permanent Talents-only shops. The problem of course has been that we could not rent shop premises because there was no one out there renting for Talents. SANE has recently moved to new premises in Kenilworth and has offered space for the setting up of a shop. Conveniently located on the Main Road and not far from Kenilworth Station, the shop will provide an easy venue for both buyers and sellers.
How the shop will work hasn't been decided yet and may only get decided once it starts running. It could operate as a 'normal' shop where sellers sell their wares to the shop and then the shop puts a markup on the items before selling them on to customers. Another way is to run the shop as an ongoing market. Members will bring their wares for sale and leave a trading sheet for buyers to fill in. The shop could take a cut of the income for 'administration costs': storage, selling and entering the trades into the system.
If you have any ideas about the shop, any items that could be used in it (e.g. tables, shelves etc.) or would like to be involved in designing and setting it up, please contact Vanessa at SANE (tel: 021 762 2422) or write to ctte|at| The CTTE is a for-pay-only employer!
2. Administration: Old offerings
All offerings placed before 1 January 2004 have been deleted from the offerings database. Shortly we are going to delete all 2004 offerings too, after which no offerings will last longer than one year. If you have not updated your offerings recently and don't want them to be deleted, please update them immediately.
Old offerings that no longer apply are annoying to other members and just clutter the Offerings List. It is very easy to update your offerings. You don't even need to edit them to update them; there is a simple mechanism to allow you to do it with one click of a button:
This will update all your offerings and place them at the top of the 'Latest Offerings' category on the Offerings Page. Your offerings will also appear at the top of the category lists in which they appear.
To keep your offerings in view update them frequently, otherwise they go out of view and out of mind. See below 'Tips: How to improve your trading position' for further details of how attract custom.
3. New groups: New Zealand comes on board
Three New Zealand groups have joined the CES, one of which is LETS Connect New Zealand, the umbrella LETS body through which most LETS groups in New Zealand inter-trade. There is a strong possibility that other groups will come on board too, once it is seen if the CES provides what is required. LETS has seen a bit of a decline in New Zealand and Australia in recent years as most LETS exchanges reached their natural maximum size. Most operate according to the traditional membership model with a central administration that produces paper directories, monthly statements and does the recording of all transactions. Such groups are cumbersome and rarely exceed a size of over 250 members. Most of the responsibility for running these groups resides with the administrator instead of being distributed as it is with the CES. They require a yearly fee in the national money in order to cover costs, which can be substantial in a paper-based system. Let's hope that the CES model will help to revive LETS in New Zealand.
4. Statistics: Growth of the CES
There are now (2 August 2005) 2,264 members of the Community Exchange System (including the international groups). There are 22 separate groups. The Cape Town Talent Exchange is the largest group with 1,258 members. The following table shows the growth of the Cape Town Talent Exchange:
Year Members Trades Talents 2002 10 2003 367 1112 132589.10 2004 577 4780 596726.24 2005 304 2751 499281.61 Total 1258 8643 1228596.95
* As at 2 August 2005
5. CTTE Group statistics: July 2005
July saw an impressive increase in trading over the June figures, with the second highest figures every recorded. All signs are that trading has picked up after the downswing in the first months of this year.
At the end of July 2005:
Trader Statistics:
Totals Total members: 1257 Total traders: 740 % of members who have traded: 58.87 % of members who have not traded: 41.13 Sellers Total sellers: 438 Seller/buyer ratio: 0.65 % of members who have sold: 34.84 % of traders who have sold: 59.19 # of sellers who have bought 377 # of sellers who have not bought: 61 Buyers Total buyers: 679 Buyer/seller ratio: 1.55 % of members who have bought: 54.02 % of traders who have bought: 91.76 # of buyers who have sold: 377 # of buyers who have not sold: 302 Trading Statistics Total # of sales: 8609 Total # of purchases: 8609 Total income: 1212653.99 Total expenditure: 1212653.99 Income/expenditure less levies: 1147818.87 Overall balance: 0.00 Talentry Statistics (from 15 May) Total revenue: 64835.12 Transferred to Admin: 58436.12 # of levy payments: 5886 Current Talentry balance: 6399.00
Member statistics:
Individuals: 1046 Families: 51 Companies: 72 Organisations: 43 Virtuals: 21 Public: 3 Administrators: 1 Total: 1257
Trading statistics:
Month-Year Trades Talents Average Levy Total (- levy) Total (+ levy) February 2003 3 295.00 98.33 0.00 295.00 295.00 March 2003 8 394.00 49.25 0.00 689.00 689.00 April 2003 9 1768.00 196.44 0.00 2457.00 2457.00 May 2003 21 2802.02 133.43 0.00 5259.02 5259.02 June 2003 80 6091.82 76.15 0.00 11350.84 11350.84 July 2003 113 10493.65 92.86 0.00 21844.49 21844.49 August 2003 194 19949.01 102.83 0.00 41793.50 41793.50 September 2003 263 26404.88 100.40 0.00 68198.38 68198.38 October 2003 179 35284.47 197.12 0.00 103482.85 103482.85 November 2003 151 18504.75 122.55 0.00 121987.60 121987.60 December 2003 91 10601.50 116.50 0.00 132589.10 132589.10 January 2004 316 26223.62 82.99 0.00 158812.72 158812.72 February 2004 269 27392.60 101.83 0.00 186205.32 186205.32 March 2004 633 37249.23 58.85 0.00 223454.55 223454.55 April 2004 204 15041.29 73.73 0.00 238495.84 238495.84 May 2004 464 40575.73 84.34 1443.84 277627.73 279071.57 June 2004 149 29748.50 184.87 2203.60 305172.63 308820.07 July 2004 98 42439.85 404.09 2839.16 344773.32 351259.92 August 2004 184 42674.52 215.70 2984.96 384462.88 393934.44 September 2004 522 58561.65 104.30 4116.94 438907.59 452496.09 October 2004 638 85618.02 124.75 6025.96 518499.65 538114.11 November 2004 705 100041.54 132.03 6962.18 611579.01 638155.65 December 2004 598 91159.69 141.99 6248.20 696490.50 729315.34 January 2005 422 65470.98 144.75 4386.88 757574.60 794786.32 February 2005 178 53361.10 279.40 3627.72 807307.98 848147.42 March 2005 352 51718.68 136.81 3561.50 855465.16 899866.10 April 2005 224 79730.01 336.71 4306.04 930889.13 979596.11 May 2005 528 73327.24 129.19 5113.26 999103.11 1052923.35 June 2005 412 68473.10 155.06 4587.88 1062988.33 1121396.45 July 2005 600 91195.98 141.29 6422.44 1147761.87 1212592.43 Total: 8608 T1212592.43 T140.87 T64830.56 Excluding levy: T1147761.87 T133.34
For a long time there has been a call for a means to comment on the quality of the delivery of offerings. The debate on the Ideas Exchange has been intense with many people offering their ideas. A popular idea was to have a blank slate where buyers could comment about sellers, good or bad. The problem with allowing negative comments is that such comments could be the kiss of death for a new seller. While there is no reason to expect second-rate services on the Talent Exchange, many people offer things simply because they can do them rather than in a professional capacity. Buyers might judge what they have received by comparing them with a higher professional standard. A negative comment could end someone's 'career' on the Talent Exchange.
Another idea was to have a rating system where buyers could give, say, a rating up to five stars for an outstanding service. This has similar problems to negative comments. Those who are already good would receive five stars and hence everyone would come to them; those who receive one star would be shunned and never gain the experience they need to get better.
A pure recommendations feature appears to offer the best solution as those who are recommended will attract more custom but those who are not recommended are not undermined. People will work harder in order to attract a recommendation.
To use this new feature simply click on 'Recommendations' in the middle menu of the start page of your account. You will see the list of recommendations but if you want to add one, click on the [Give Recommendation] button. You can also go to anyone's personal record and click on their recommendations button to see if they have received any recommendations.
Transaction Emails
A question always asked by people contemplating joining the Talent Exchange is "What is to stop people just entering credits so that they build up a huge number in their accounts?" Even after it is explained that every credit has an equal an opposite debit, many people feel uneasy about the fact that a seller can just debit their account. After all, it is the exact opposite of the conventional money system where it would be thought outrageous if someone could credit themselves against you through their internet banking account. Money in the conventional money system always goes from the buyer to the seller but in the Talent Exchange the seller just takes!
For those who are worried about sellers debiting their accounts, but also for those who are not worried about it, a great new feature has been introduced that automatically emails buyers as soon as a seller debits their accounts. The process of entering a trade generates the email and it informs the buyer that his/her account has been debited. Of course this only works for those who have email. We would like to introduce a system for those without email to get monthly printed statements, but so far we have not found a solution to the delivery problem. Without the post office on board the postage cost would be too much for the Talent Exchange!
7. Members Views: Comments on a new member 'starter pack'
This item was a submission to the CES Ideas Exchange in response to another member who proposed giving all new members a T50 'starter-pack' to ensure that they get trading instead of waiting for custom to get into the positive before purchasing anything. Many new members hate the idea of immediately going into 'debt' and so never get started, and just forget about the CES after a while when no one contacts them for what they have offered.
To 'correct' or 'balance' any situation that arises we need to remember a few things
T50 credit to encourage new members to buy something makes as much sense as introducing a T50 debit to new members to encourage them to sell something. (Be interesting to see who signs up then!)
T0.00 is a neutral space, it says: what you gonna do with a clean slate?
Personalities appear: e.g."I am too nervous to go into debit and do little or nothing for a long time." or "I am gonna buy loads of stuff and ignore my debit amount" or "I am gonna think about what I can give and do for the community..." etc. etc.
I believe CES is trying to promote the last example and prevent the middle one.
So, you sign up and as soon as you trade you have credit or are in debit.
The conventional money system says 'debt is bad'. CES, as I understand it, says 'inertia is bad' and thus the healthy community exchange system is in continual flow. As long as there is flow; debit, credit, zero balances and back again are all good.
Let me continue openly: I am one of those members deeply in debit. I do not like being in debit and intend to continue to work my way out of it, but either way I can not regret the reason, I (bravely, I might add) chose to go into debit. It changed my life. (I was able to receive eye laser surgery.) Thank you CES. Community giving and community spirit is why I am part of CES. (For more info, you are welcome to email me personally - sarah|at|
People joining CES to see what they can get and buy, buy, buy and then leave the system are silly. They have missed the point of a community exchange. Sad for them, but someone in the community is in credit because of them. It is a closed community (no one can 'hoard' talents in an off-shore bank account) nothing is ever taken out, just moved around. That's why the emphasis on flow is so important, let's keep it moving!
People who sit in credit and do nothing are just as useless to the system as those who sit in debit and do nothing. (If there needs to be a limit at all, perhaps it could be on how long you can go without a trade?)
We want to grow our community because, we believe in the CESystem. So, CES is attracting like-minded people who want to join AND we are promoting CES to those who often do not (yet) understand the spirit of CES, because we want to share alternative currency/ideas with with them.
So some people may need a chance to get used to the idea. We all do. It's different from what we are used to, we need time to adjust to new ways of thinking and change ingrained habits.
And yes, get to know who you are trading with (a little) personally and perhaps this should be your guide as to whether or not it feels right to you to trade with them. So if it angers you that someone has the audacity to want something when they are in debit, you can choose to say 'sorry, no, I don't trade with those who have less than me.' or whatever.
Let's make it about informed choice, rather than rules and regulations (which smacks of the conventional money system). Which brings me to my next point:
When a small group of like minded individuals get together to create a community exchange system, they do it in good faith. As it grows to include all kinds of new people, the chances of attracting less like minded souls (those who do not truly 'get' the original spirit of the idea), are higher.
Will we experience the age old story of when a community, who tend to 'police' themselves, expands to become a city, there is a tendency to 'outsource' policemen?
internal police here = empowered choices
external policemen = outside rules and regulations.
Then, how big (more or less) is an ideal CES community?
Perhaps we could have different and separate Talent exchange communities that share ideas and network than one who tries to continually expand itself? Communities that are not limited to where you live to be part of it, so long as you can trade effectively.
(I don't know what the solution is in terms of continual expansion and all the risks that go with that or staying small and possibly becoming limited or elitist....?)
I think the question is : How do we maintain a balance(d community)? We have created a community, do we continue to create it (have rules and regulations or something simpler); do we sit back and see what happens, do we impose restrictions or what?
Well, what do we want? Why was the community started? Has the community changed? What does 'community' mean to us? It seems most active community members do want some kind of 'code of conduct'. I promote the 'middle' road: not too strict and stifling; not too loose and open to abuse. I would like CES to stay true to the community spirit and evolve naturally.
But How? and who decides? and how big? That I don't know. I guess that's up to all of us to decide. And those who are most involved and active, are often the decision makers, as they tend to give the most input, while others just let it all happen.
This is why this ideas exchange mailing list is so good, we get to bounce ideas around and see what happens...........
Sarah Ryan (SANE0210)
8. Tip: How to improve your trading position
Are you one of those who joined the CES with enthusiasm, bought one or two items and then had no one come to you for the services or goods you offer?
Many members have had this happen and soon lose interest when their accounts remain in the red. No one wants to continue purchasing things with the feeling that they are just moving further and further into the red, and with no hope of rectifying the situation.
Let's look at the possible causes of no one coming to you for what you offer, and what you can do about it:
1. What do you offer?
If no one comes to you the most probable reason is that no one wants what you offer. Is what you offer really required in a small, closed group? Most new members offer what they do out there in the Rand economy and assume that it will be required in the CES too. Often it isn't, because what is being offered can only be sold to companies or select groups that don't exist in the CES.
Solution: consider carefully what you have on offer. Is what you do professionally the only thing you can do? Most of us are multi-skilled and can offer a range of things that would be of value in a small community. Frame your offerings as broadly as possible instead of making them too specific. Surely you have some hidden talent or skill that you could share with others. Surely you have many things stuck away in the top cupboard, in the attic or in the garage that you could offer for sale. Be innovative and think laterally.
2. How many offerings do you have?
Some people have no offerings at all; many have just one. You may add as many offerings as you like. It is far better to have lots of offerings, even of things that you don't particularly like to do. By having a lot of offerings, people will get to know you and your custom will increase. In time you can drop the things you don't like to do and concentrate on the others.
Solution: Add more offerings. The more you have the more likely one of them will attract someone's eye. If you do not have a service to offer, offer goods for sale or hire. There are probably many things in your cupboards that you no longer use. You will be surprised at what others will buy.
3. Does your offering inspire others to come to you?
Have your offerings remained exactly as they were entered by the administrator when you joined the CES? Often these are obscure and contain insufficient information to inform others what you are really offering. Descriptions are often short and unclear, rates are not given and in some cases there are not even contact details. The lack of information puts people off.
Solution: Go back to your offerings and jazz them up. 'Market' yourself and convince others that the services you offer are the best in the world! See your offerings as personal adverts for what you do and what you have for sale. Remember: when you are offering something that is also offered by others, buyers will choose the one that tells them the most.
4. Is there already a glut of what you are offering?
The CES seems to attract a certain kind of person and often what they are offering is offered by many others. Maybe everyone is going elsewhere because your offering doesn't convince them that yours is the best.
Solution: You may have to reduce your price where there is competition. Convince others that your offering is the best. Add some other offerings because some of your potential customers will be going elsewhere.
5. Do you have your offering in the right category?
Often offerings are not placed in the correct category, or in a category where other people would not expect to find them.
Solution: If you are not sure in which category to place your offering, place it in more than one category.
6. Are you known by other members?
People are much more likely to call on you if they know you. If you make no effort to get to know other members, either by purchasing from them or by attending meetings and trading events, no one will call on you.
Solution: Attend CES events and meet other members; invite friends to join the CES. Once people see that you are actively trading and have made a number of sales they will come to you.
7. Are you charging too much?
You may be getting no custom because you are charging too much. Although Talents are based on the Rand to give them reference, they are in fact worth a lot more. As you do not pay tax in the CES, when you earn T100 you get T100, unlike in the Rand economy where half of what you earn goes to the taxman. Also, demand and supply operates differently in the CES. Something that might be in great demand 'outside' could suffer from lack of demand inside the CES. To attract custom you may have to lower your prices. Rand prices are often inflated because they have to cover tax, VAT, interest, rent, salaries etc. What you get in the CES is all yours.
Solution: Pitch you price at a level that is attractive to other members. This may be lower than you would normally consider but the point is to get going. You can always raise your prices later if a lot of people are coming to you and you feel that you are not earning enough.
8. Buy more!
While this might not sound like a good way to increase your sales, do remember that the more everyone buys the more likely someone will come to you. Every purchase injects 'money' into the system which has to be spent. If everyone sits and waits for someone to come to them, nothing will happen; if everyone went out on a spending spree everyone would benefit and circulation would be stimulated.
Solution: Buy more! Those red numbers in your account are not debt. No one is going to castigate you for negative numbers. Also, by buying more you show your face to others and you can tell them what you offer.
9. Is your offering searchable?
As the Offerings List gets longer and longer many people find it easier to search for what they want by using the search facility. Many offerings are simply not searchable because they contain so little information or do not contain any keywords related to what you are offering.
Solution: Ensure that your offerings contain words that people might use when searching. There is no limit to the length of your offerings so make sure they contain all permutations of what people might use to search for what you are offering. Spelling mistakes and American spellings will also reduce the chance of your offering being found.
10. Watch the 'Wants List'
New 'wants' are constantly being added to the 'Wants List'. Check there frequently and you might see someone wanting something that you could offer.
11. Update your offerings regularly
New offerings are added to the top of the Offerings List, pushing old offerings down to the bottom and out of sight!
Solution: 'Refresh' your offerings by modifying or updating them. This will bring them back up to the top of the list. It is very easy to update your offerings: click [My Record] > click 'My offerings' [View/Edit] > tick the checkbox in the 'Update' column (right hand side) of each item you want to update. Then click the update icon at the right hand side of the bottom, horizontal, green bar. If you really want to attract the attention of others update your offerings every few days.
12. Be Innovative
Look at the offerings of the participants in your sub-area and see what is missing. Find a way to provide what you think people want in your area. You could offer goods that you pay Rands for, but save on the deal by spending your Talents on something that is cheaper in the system than outside. There are a multitude of ways of earning Talents. All that is required is a bit of imagination!
13. Get Recommended
If you feel you have done a good job for someone ask them to recommend you. There is no better advert on the CES than a recommendation in the Recommendations List.
9. Theory: "Shortage of funds"
How often have you read that this or that hospital, day clinic, school, public amenity ... has to close down because of "insufficient funds"? Have you ever been to a cake sale to help the military buy new jet fighters or corvettes? Why is there always enough money to build a new casino, five-star hotel or shopping mall but not enough for the things that people really want?
It is possible for there to be an insufficiency of most things. During a drought there is insufficient water, and then an insufficiency of food. There can be too few teachers and nurses. There can be a shortage of houses. There can be scarcity all around but usually there are natural reasons for this that are beyond our control. But how can there be an insufficiency of money when it is the one thing that is created by human beings for their own use? To say there is insufficient money so resources must stand idle is the same as saying buses and trains must stop running because there are not enough tickets!
To understand this anomaly we need to understand where money comes from. Most of us think money comes from the government. After all it says 'Reserve Bank' on every note in our pockets. Governments everywhere long ago handed over the money making function to the commercial banks. All money comes into existence as debt when banks grant loans and overdrafts. Stop thinking of money as wealth because money is debt, and the amount of debt determines the amount of money in circulation.
When each loan is repaid the debt is cancelled and so the money created by the loan goes out of circulation. To maintain the flow of money in the economy someone else has to go into debt so that more money can be created. If insufficient new money is created a depression results. The spanner in the works is that as each debt is cancelled a residual debt in the form of interest has accumulated from the loan. The money to pay the interest was never created so the only way that banks can get the interest paid to them is for them to create more debt money. This is why lending institutions are continually seeking new ways to 'lend' out money. Banks cannot create infinite amounts of money because the Reserve Bank requires that the amount they 'lend' (read: create) is based on a cash reserve that they are obliged to keep with the Reserve Bank. Banks thus, as well as seeking new ways to 'lend' money, also encourage savers to deposit their money with them. Banks do not lend out their depositors' money, they create fresh, new money when they grant loans.
It is the cycle of creating loans, extinguishing those loans and the need to create more loans to service the interest that is behind the growth imperative of our economies. The eternal requirement to create more and more debt money is what drives our economies forward, with all the disastrous consequences this has for society and our planet. If this process stops for one minute the whole shaky edifice will crumble like a pack of cards.
A single loan never creates enough money for it to be paid back with interest; a million loans will never create enough money to pay back the capital and interest. There is thus a continuous shortage of money with everyone scrambling to get hold of a share of an amount that is insufficient to go around. The players in this game of musical chairs are forced to compete with each other and eliminate their competitors.
So there really is a "shortage of funds", and state institutions that have the greatest need for funds are the weakest players because they have to depend on the government to do their bidding for them, and governments are not themselves strong competitors in the dogring because they are muzzled by all sorts of rules and regulations that define where and how they can get their share.
This perverse money system, that benefits only a small parasitic financial class, is leading the human race to global catastrophe.
Money doesn't have to be based on debt and it is possible to create a money system where there is sufficient to go around. It is possible because human beings can design it that way, just as they have designed our current dysfunctional money system where money is scarce. When there is enough money to go around the game of musical chairs will slow down because no one will have to rush to make sure they get to the next chair before the others playing in the game.
The Community Exchange System is a nascent money system that demonstrates how money could work. There is always enough money in the CES because its members create their own when they trade with each other. No bank outside the circle of buyers and sellers is required to come and create our money for us, and charge us interest for doing so. When a buyer buys something she creates new money at that instant. It is 'free' money ('free' as in 'no interest') and it matches exactly the price of the goods or service purchased. There is not a shortfall of money because the buyer has to pay something extra to a third party acting like a highway robber demanding a toll of passage.
There is no growth imperative in the CES though healthy growth through increased trading is encouraged. Everyone benefits from more activity but it is not activity inspired by the fear of loss and failure, of not being able to pay our ransom to the robber.
When the CES grows bigger it will be able to demonstrate that there is no shortage of funds for the things that people really want. There will be enough money for schools, hospitals, day clinics and public amenities, and the providers of these noble services won't have to compete with those who feel that casinos, five star hotels, shopping malls and corvettes are better for our welfare.
10. Crossword: See if you can solve our first CES puzzle
Across | Down |
3 Mr. Dowling, who offers flights, wooden signs and earthworms (7) 6 The Peires family's game (6) 7 Do it with rands or talents! (3) 9 Rayelle Goodman's instrument (6) 10 The cost of joining the talent exchange (4) 11 Brian Kilbey can teach you to do it (4) 13 We trade with talents, rands, or ... (4) 14 Ms Levine, who offers Tantsu massage (5) 16 We will soon be able to trade with these on the system (5) 18 Marcel Oudejan's speciality (5) 20 Arthur Collett repairs and services them (4) 21 Melanie Rigby and Safra Levin paint them (5) 23 We can now upload these with our offerings 25 Greer ... of Noordhoek sings and caters (5) 26 It's the equivalent of a rand (6) 27 Our exchange system (4) 28 Theophilus Mangane can teach you to do it (3) |
1 One of the metals used by Liezl Barkhuizen (6) 2 Type of dancing taught by Natasha Wells (5) 3 Fiona Ballantyne organises them (7) 4 It has become a problem at our trade meetings 5 The largest talent exchange group in South Africa (4,4) 6 Dianne Womersley sells them (5) 8 Robert Warren can deliver them (6) 12 Kim ... offers black-eyed Susans and steam cleaning (6) 14 Gail Counihan can teach you to do it (4) 15 We should ... our offerings regularly (6) 17 This number can now be "remembered" on the log-in page (7) 19 Eric Evans loves to do it (5) 22 Type of massage offered by Toni Gurney (5) 23 Gcina Mondi helps kids do it (4) 24 ... Cloete, who plays accordion (4) |
Crossword compiled by Mike Laatz (SANE0903)
11. Administration: CTTE Local Area Co-ordinators
The following is the current list of CTTE Local Area Co-ordinators or 'branches' of the Cape Town Talent Exchange. If you have a problem accessing your account, do not have regular access to a computer or just hate the internet, then contact your nearest co-ordinator who will help you interface with the Talent Exchange. Co-ordinators will provide you with everything you need to participate, as well as enter your trades for you. We hope to 'recruit' co-ordinators in the sub-areas not listed below. If you would like to assist please write to the Administrator at the address at the bottom of this Newsletter.
# | A/C # | Name | Sub-Area | Suburb | Tel (h) | Tel (w) | Cell | |
1 | SANE0222 | Marco Bezzoli | Atlantic | Green Point | 021 447 8675 | 082 957 8819 | marco.arch|at| | |
2 | SANE0043 | Raymond Mcinga | Cape Flats | Lost City | 073 630 1403 | raymond|at| | ||
3 | SANE0349 | Iain Macdonald | City Bowl | Gardens | 021 462 6755 | 021 461 8880 | 072 327 2840 | iain-intuition|at| |
4 | SANE0635 | Lara Pietersen | City Bowl | V&A Waterfront | 082 726 6957 | lar|at| | ||
5 | SANE0554 | Occulus | City Bowl | Woodstock | 082 900 7993 | 021 426 2707 | 082 900 7993 | occulus|at| |
6 | SANE0564 | James Baxendale | Constantiaberg | Constantia | 021 794 4264 | 021 794 4264 | 082 903 3975 | Bax1a|at| |
7 | SANE0435 | Dawn Pilatowicz | Constantiaberg | Marina da Gama | 021 788 8357 | 021 788 1528 | 083 226 8250 | dawn|at| |
8 | SANE0485 | Liza Johnson | Durbanville | Durbanville | 072 234 9595 | vrcptadm|at| | ||
9 | SANE0448 | Jeremy & Jacqui Wakeford | Hout Bay | Hout Bay | 021 790 8558 | 021 650 2982 | 083 414 7393 | jwakeford|at| |
10 | SANE0966 | Aubrey Dampies | Delft | Delft | 021 954 1613 | 084 251 1835 | adampies|at| | |
11 | SANE0146 | Angie Whitehead | Northern Suburbs | Parow | 021 939 0467 | 021 937 1940 | 072 242 4334 | angie.whitehead|at| |
12 | SANE0009 | Karen Jordi | South Peninsula | Glencairn to Noordhoek | 072 387 5661 | jordik|at| | ||
13 | SANE0292 | Elfi Tomlinson | South Peninsula | Kalk Bay | 021 788 7842 | 021 788 7842 | 083 703 3878 | elfitom|at| |
14 | SANE0127 | Debbie Bub | South Peninsula | Kommetjie | 021 785 4664 | deb-bub|at| | ||
15 | SANE0010 | Beau Horgan | South Peninsula | Noordhoek | 021 789 2494 | 021 789 2494 | beau|at| | |
16 | SANE0098 | Heidi-Jayne Hawkins | South Peninsula | Welcome Glen | 021 650 2442 | 084 951 5535 | hhawkins|at| | |
17 | SANE0046 | Vicky Richter | Southern Suburbs | Kenwyn | 021 761 2256 | 021 797 3660 | 073 168 4748 | vicky|at| |
18 | SANE0035 | Unwembi | Southern Suburbs | Newlands | 021 683 4515 | ces|at| | ||
19 | SANE0022 | Len Stern | Southern Suburbs | Rondebosch | 021 689 4239 | lenstern|at| | ||
20 | SANE0002 | Tim Jenkin | Southern Suburbs | Rosebank | 021 685 4741 | 021 683 4515 | 083 354 9374 | tim|at| |
21 | SANE0534 | Kim Fourie | Tableview | Ysterplaat | 021 510 5261 | 021 534 0460 | 083 993 4580 | kim.fourie|at| |
Talent Exchange User Guide
All the answers are available right from your account on the CES web site. Download the Talent Exchange User Guide. To do so, access your account on the CES web site at or go directly to and download one of the printable versions of the User Guide. You can also view the HTML version on the screen. If you would like to purchase a paper version (for Talents) look under 'CES Services' in the Offerings List to see who you can get it from. Your local area co-ordinator should also be able to provide you with a copy. |
Across: 3 Patrick, 6 Bridge, 7 Pay, 9 Violin, 10 Free, 11 Surf, 13 Both, 14 Susan, 16 Rands, 18 Magic, 20 Cars, 21 Faces, 23 Pictures, 25 Eaton, 26 Talent, 27 Sane, 28 Act.
Down: 1 Silver, 2 Belly, 3 Picnics, 4 Theft, 5 Cape Town, 6 Books, 8 Yachts, 12 Fourie, 14 Swim, 15 Update, 17 Account, 19 Cycle, 22 Stone, 23 Play, 24 Eric.