Silvio Gesell: The Natural Economic Order


1891. Currency Reform as Bridge to the Social State. (Buenos Aires. 45 pages).
Contains most of Gesell's ideas in outline, including his proposal for non-hoardable money.
1891. Nervus Rerum (Buenos Aires. 84 pages).
Motto on the title-page: "With our present form of money, the slightest alarm causes the withdrawal of money from circulation. At any moment, consequently, the exchange of commodities may be arrested; at any moment the most important of all means of intercourse organised by the State may refuse its services."
1892. The Nationalisation of Money. (Buenos Aires. 105 pages).
Motto on the title-page: "The currency should be, like railways, simply a public organisation for mediating the exchange of commodities; those who use it should be obliged to pay freight." In an economic parable Gesell describes an island settlement which adopts an acorn currency. At first the commodities are exchanged by weighing the acorns (non-hoardable currency, as the acorns shrink). Later, payments are made by counting the acorns (hoardable currency, leading to interest).
1897. The Adaptation of Money to the Needs of Modem Commerce. (Buenos Aires).
1898. The Argentine Currency Question. (Buenos Aires. 36 pages).
On the disastrous consequences of deflation.
1901. The Monopoly of the Swiss National Bank. (Bern. 30 pages).
A warning about the danger of inflation latent in the proposed charter of the Bank.
1902-4. A monthly periodical for currency- and land-reform. (Bern).
Advocating individualism and laissez-faire in contrast to State-control, "the religion of slaves." The economic parable, praised by J. M. Keynes, with which Gesell introduces his analysis of interest (p. 365) is reprinted from this periodical.
1906. The Natural Economic Order. (See back of short title).
1907. Active Currency Policy. (Leipzig. 80 pages).
In collaboration with Emst Frankfurth - a currency policy under the gold standard with price-stabilisation as aim, including central-bank discount policy and open market operations.
1916. Gold and Peace? (Bern. 20 pages).
1917. Free-Land, the Essential Condition of Peace. (Zürich. 23 pages).
Two lectures on peace, reprinted in the German and French editions of The Natural Economic Order.
1920. A German Currency Office: Economic, Political and Financial preliminaries for its establishment. (Berlin. 30 pages).
A memorandum addressed to the National Assembly at Weimar.
1920. On stabilisation of the exchanges. See p. 359.
1922. Memorandum for the German Trade Unions for use in action concerning Currency, Foreign Exchanges, Reparations. (Erfurt. 96 pages).
1927. Dismantling the State. (Berlin. 94 pages).
German title: Der abgebaute Staat. A plea for elimimtion of bureaucracy in every sphere of life, and a forecast of the resulting society.

For the German titles of Gesell's works see the German edition of The Natural Econondc Order (Zitzmann Verlag, Lauf bei Nümberg, Germany). A biography of Gesell by Werner Schmid was published at Bern (in German) in 1953.

Six of the above works have been translated into English.


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